Maximize Your (FREE!) Directory Listing

Be sure you maximize your directory listing to get the most views

When customers and clients are using the Leander Chamber of Commerce member directory, they are looking for the quickest way to find the most reliable company or organization. How can you maximize your Chamber Member Directory listing to ensure you are getting the most views every time? Follow these 3 simple steps.

1. Upload a Logo

Probably the biggest impact you can have on your Member Directory Listing is uploading a logo. It’s a quick and easy way to draw attention to your company or organization.

Look at how much more noticeable a listing with a logo is!

2. Add a Description

Inside your member portal, you can upload a description of what your business does or what you specialize in. This can be particularly helpful if people might not be able to tell what your business does by your name alone, or if you specialize in a particular aspect of your industry.

Here are a couple of general guidelines to make your description effective.

  • Be brief!
    People want to move quickly, so tell them what you do in as few words as possible.
  • Keep it simple!
    Avoid jargon and words your customers won’t know.
  • Use 3rd person!
    Try to avoid first person (our pizza, my clients, etc.). There are a few exceptions to this, but this is a good general rule to follow.

Look how easily you can tell what Sense & Color School of Music offers! It’s a great way to get people to stop scrolling and click on your listing (plus, look at these two eye-catching logos)!

3. Verify and Update

This tip could have been first because it *might* be the most important, and it is often forgotten about. We know running a business is time-consuming, so it is easy to let the little things slip through the cracks but check to make sure your contact information is up to date.

Customers only know what they see, so if your address, email, or phone number aren’t correct, they can’t reach you. Also, make sure the website you have listed goes to a page you want customers to land on to start their journey with you! It might not be your home page, it could be a Scheduling page an About page, or even a Facebook page!

This step is even more important right now because we are about to go to press for our 2023 Living Leander Magazine. This magazine is widely distributed, so help us ensure we print the correct contact information for your business.

This is also a final chance to get your ad in the 2023 Living Leander Magazine. Contact the office today at (512) 259-1907 to place your ad before we go to print!

Maximize Your (FREE!) Directory Listing
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