Getting the Most Out of Your Membership

After starting his brand new business in 2012, Steve Reilly of ReillyCo Advertising asked himself questions like, “Where should I spend my resources?” and “How much time do I have to devote?”

After deciding to join the Leander Chamber in 2013, though Leander was small and much fewer members than the Austin Chamber that he had previously been involved in, Reilly recognized the “vision or ‘mojo’” Leander had for the future of business and supporting members.

Flash forward 7 years, Reilly’s advice for how to get the most out of your membership begins with setting a realistic goal of what you expect to bring to the chamber. He believes “you have to give to get” and the key to networking is about jumping in and learning to “skate in the middle of the rink!”

Amidst the current pandemic and major adjustments, Reilly is grateful for the consistency and frequency from the chamber. He joins in on the weekly “Coffee Chats” to stay in the loop and receive grant information and other updates, also emphasizing that the chamber “seized on the human need for social interaction.”

ReillyCo provides concierge service with competitive pricing. We specialize in helping small businesses brand their logo on quality, effective promotional items. ReillyCo: Be Everywhere. Be Remembered.

Getting the Most Out of Your Membership
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